Our Vision: Helping People Serve Others in Need

The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, and to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

The World has Never Been Smaller

Harrison Ford remarked, “With commercial air travel, the entire planet is literally within walking distance.” Walk into an airport terminal, walk on to a plane, have dinner, a movie, and a nap. The next day walk off the plane and out of the terminal. A journey across the planet to some remote location that 100 years ago would have taken three months, now takes three days. With cell phones and internet-powered social media, ordinary people are connecting, making friendships, developing partnerships and carrying out good deeds that enrich the lives of others and expose the true meaning of what it means to be human.

Virtual Projects

Servants International will be developing opportunities for virtual projects, where you never have to even leave home. Online Education and English as a Second Language (ESL) tutoring have expanded everyone’s imagination as to the potential of new forms of education.

No internet? No problem!

Our partner EDUTEK GLOBAL developed the EDUPAK device that brings a server into a school building that has electricity but no internet.

This device communicates to as many as 50 tablets within 300 feet, and is loaded with thousands of educational programs, from pre-school to pre-vocational training. This one server transforms a school and the learning of children doing reading, reasoning, math, and basic science. For the price of four people flying to across the world, two people can fly and deliver the classroom server and tablets in their baggage.

Community Development using solar cells and water wells, buildings and bridges, rescue and rehab for trafficking victims, animal rescue and rehab, hydroponics, and more. These are the new opportunities for everyone to do most anything they are passionate about.

All this through Servants International.